Case Study
Clatterbridge Hospital - Cheshire & Merseyside Surgical Centre
MMC Categories used:
_Category 1: Two Storey hybrid volumetric: Type b, structural chassis, and internal fitout. Type C, structural chassis, fitted out including external cladding, windows and roof waterproofing.
_Category 5: Reception desk assemblies, pre-hung door sets, large format M&E skids, Pre-fabricated valves and IPS panels.
_Category 6: Brick slips
_Category 7: Drone completion surveys, Timelapse camera
Pre-Manufactured Value 70%
This £25 million innovative development, enabled through national NHS funding, employed Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) to create the new facilities alongside the current theatres at Clatterbridge Hospital.
The first phase of the Cheshire & Merseyside Surgical Centre, which opened in November 2022, included two operating theatres, 12 patient recovery bays and a plant equipment room containing air handling units and electrical supply panels; treating an extra 3,000 elective patients a year. In September 2022, MTX began building two further theatres as part of Phase 2 of the project, working on the two projects simultaneously. Phase 2 of the surgical hub was carefully designed as a 2-storey extension to the first phase of the development to ‘wrap round’ and integrate with the first phase to make the two units a coherent single building.
With two more theatres now opened in phase two of the project, this will increase capacity to treat 6,000 extra elective patients a year. The centre is one of the national elective surgical hubs created using national NHS funding with the aim of clearing the backlog of patients waiting for elective surgery post-pandemic.
The opening of Cheshire and Merseyside Surgical Centre is fantastic news. There has been significant investment in these theatres, which are now providing quicker access to surgery and outpatients procedures for thousands of patients – reducing waiting lists, improving patient experience and, most importantly, improving people’s outcomes.”
Rowan Pritchard-Jones, Medical Director for NHS Cheshire and Merseyside
Key Facts
Client: Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Construction Period: Phase 1 - 36 weeks; Phase 2 - 50 weeks
Size: Phase 1 - 1000m ; Phase 2 - 1100m2