Case Studies
Case Study
Derriford Hospital Modular Outpatients Department

MTX Contracts LTD were awarded the contract to deliver a fast-track modular Outpatients Department to Derriford Hospital in Plymouth.
The Requirements
Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust had a requirement for a new modular Outpatients Department in order to pacify their growing daily patient intake and create a more streamlined method of patient processing. Derriford Hospital has over 900 bed spaces and is the regional specialist teaching hospital, working with both the Plymouth University Peninsula Medical School and the University of Exeter Medical School. In addition, Derriford Hospital is also a regional Trauma Centre with over 48,000 people passing through its doors each week.The Solution
The new facility, which has been procured under the NHS Shared Business Services framework on which MTX were successful, was to be installed on the hospital’s existing car park. This was a great location as it was right at the front of the hospital with easy access to the remaining car park. The MTX team produced a single storey standalone modular facility in order to provide complete outpatients services. The 800m² modular building houses 21 clinic rooms, a 4 bed infusion bay for Rheumatology patients, an ultrasound room, a plaster room, a phlebotomy area, ancillary accommodation and an X-Ray Department which is expected to be in use early next year.
Main Considerations
Time was of upmost importance to the Trust as the current Outpatients Department was being refurbished into an extension to the Accident and Emergency Unit. Therefore, the new modular facility was fast-tracked and completed in just 9 weeks from receipt of order; MTX’s fastest build to date. MTX commenced with design works at the beginning of August 2017 and these were completed by the end of the same month. Onsite groundworks commenced on 11th September 2017 followed by the building installation on 10th October 2017. Internal fit out was completed in just 4 weeks and the new modular facility was officially handed over to the Trust on 10th November 2017. It was extremely important that the new facility was a standalone building completely separate from the main hospital. This was due to the nature of works that were to take place within the Outpatients Department. As it treats day patients only the Trust wanted to minimise, if not completely remove, the possibility of secondary infections. If the department was situated within the main hospital, this would increase the chance of secondary infections to day patients.What they said
“It has felt like a strong partnership throughout. The company has been very honest, straightforward and transparent, including on cost. The nice thing about working in partnership is that you can solve challenges together. That for me has been exceptional on this project. The clinicians that have visited the completed building over the past few days have been highly impressed and I know staff are looking forward to moving into the new accommodation.” Julie Richards Associate Director of Estates and PlanningLatest Case Studies
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