Guys Hospital had a requirement for a new additional orthopaedic theatre and associated 4 bed recovery suite in order to allow for a greater patient intake.

The new modular facility was delivered on 12th October 2018 and built onto a transfer deck at level 1 adjacent to the existing theatre department.

Modular Night Lift

The modular lift had to take place out of hours due to the busy and congested streets of London and the 24 hour nature of the hospital. To overcome this matter MTX hired 2 Site Teams to take it in turns to work 12 hour shifts throughout the night to oversee the install period. A road closure was put in place from 7pm on the Friday night and ran through to 9am the following Monday morning, therefore the MTX Teams had to work to a tight deadline to ensure all modules were safely in place before the roads were reopened.

Modular Theatre to be Delivered 2019

All first fix M&E has now been installed, all new plant has been fitted in the plantroom and the first coat of decorations have been applied. Works are on track to continue in the New Year with final fixes and finishes throughout January. Final commissioning throughout the month of February before official handover in March 2019.